7:05 was the start time. It was a warm May evening as a group of us sat down to watch the Rockies game, some of the kids watching for the first time ever. And while the game was fine, would have been better if the Rockies had won, what I found to be absolutely wonderful was the entertainment from the people around me. What a great group of people to do ANYTHING with.
There was Aaron...my husband who is always fun to me. Unless we are fighting and then I still love him but he isn't as fun. But we weren't fighting and in fact he was just making me super happy that evening by just being very sweet and happy.
There was Ian...an absolutely insane, hysterical scottish co-worker of mine. He lives in England actually, but he is out at our office in Colorado often and when he is in the States it creates a completely different, and good, environment. I love having him around.
They also like to take "cute" pictures together which make me laugh every time I look at them!
Then there was Matt, Rocket, and Roxanne. They belong to Naomi, or Naomi belongs to them or something, but Naomi will be talked about in a different section. Matt is the guy who is quieter, but it just wouldn't be the same without him. Especially when he finds something funny, it makes me want to find the same thing funny. I don't know why, but I just like his laugh. And he, like Aaron is to me, is such a wonderful complement to Naomi that it is always so amazing to see them in settings together.
Rocket and Roxanne, they are so different but they love each other so dang much. And on top of that they have a great amount of energy which is so fun. I know it can drive their mom crazy at bedtime, but I am so glad she has active kids (which I know she is too) as opposed to lazy, boring kids.
Then there was Wil, Neil, and Wannee. Wil is here from Thailand and this will probably be her last Rockies game before she goes back...so she was completely engaged in the game watching. And that was nice because the rest of us could ask her what happened. She was almost like the designated watcher! Then Neil and Wannee, they are just superb. Neil's my boss, I am Wannee's boss, and Wannee's Neil's boss so together we make quite a group. They are always fun to be around, especially when you get to know them. I was really glad they came.
Jadon and Jami got to come with us too. This was their first pro-baseball game EVER. I had to get them to be Rockies fans before they left for Washington. Jadon was pretty tired and said that the guys on the field were too small. HOWEVER, he definately wasn't too tired for a good ol' baseball stadium hotdog or cotton candy. He was quite awake for those moments. And depending on the sugar rush level at the time, he would occasionally, and randomly yell out "Go Rockies, Go Rockies". A side note to this, Jadon also had the best line of the evening. He asked me who the "Grey guys were" and I said "Those are the Minnesota Twins" and he said "Why" and I said "because they are from Minnesota" and he said, "Oh so their french?!!" Apparently he knows stuff about our country that none of us do. Minnesota has been claimed by France. I was cracking up.
And Jamison, she was just a bouncy happy little 3 year old. I can't tell you how many people said, "She is so adorable", which of course I then acted like she was mine and said, "Thank you so much". Thanks for letting me steal her for those moments Jada! She stayed awake the whole game (probably due to the Cotton Candy...which was our evil plan) and was dancing and clapping the whole time.
And last but not least, there was Naomi and I. Two peas in a pod who love each other very much. I love doing things with this girl and while sometimes I am crazy busy, she is patient with me. She makes me laugh. I think that cheering with her at a Rockies game is just wonderful. This girl adds so much spice everywhere she goes it is just contagious, at least for me. I am always inspired, even to be a better cheerer at a Rockies game. And I have to sneak this in there too...she is a superb mom and wife and I love the moments when she doesn't know I am watching (kind of like a creepy stalker but not really) and I am haning out with her and the family and kind of sit in the background and watch them all interact. Those moments are precious to me. SO along with all of that good stuff about Naomi, the most important event of the whole Rockies game was that Naomi and I got our FIRST picture together. Up until this point we had not had one single photo to prove that we are friends, but now it is official and I have proof so she can't disown my friendship without me at least having some good evidence in court. (And I hope she knows I am writing this blog for her!)
Thank you for loving my kids!:)(and me, too.!)
We have to take another friends picture together cause that one looks like youre holding me like a baby and I have no neck. I'm your strange friend. For your next blog, I want you to write about all the stuff you hate about everyone. Because if you keep being so positive about everything, I am going to stop being your friend.
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